What Poor Ventilation Can Do to Your Employees

As an employer, it’s your responsibility to provide the very best conditions for staff to thrive in. A happy workforce is a productive workforce so it’s in your best intentions to create a healthy working environment.

For example, a stuffy, humid office isn’t an ideal place for your employees to spend eight hours of their day. It may sound an obvious point to make, but some work spaces don’t have sufficient ventilation systems to enhance the flow of air.

When this is the case, as is common with some older buildings, business owners must devise ways to improve ventilation. This could be achieved by installing air con units, positioning fans around the room or opening windows to increase wind flow.

If these measures aren’t taken, your company could be in violation of the 1992 Workplace Regulations Act which states clean air must be circulated through the building. With this in mind, it is in your best interest to contact a professional ventilation company who can assess the airing needs of your building and propose an effective solution.

Health Risks

As well as reducing productivity, poor ventilation can also have adverse health effects on your employees. Poor air quality can lead to the following problems:

  • Low levels of oxygen in the room will lead to increased carbon dioxide, a proven impediment on concentration and decision making abilities.

  • Less airflow means bodily contaminants, such as sweat and nasal secretions, will stay in the atmosphere for longer.

  • High humidity levels will escalate the growth of bacteria, mould and damp inside the building. This can lead to excessive coughing, nausea and respiratory problems such as asthma.

  • Increased temperature from a lack of ventilation can cause fatigue, headaches and dizziness, escalating the likelihood of accidents and staff taking sick days.

  • Poor indoor air quality is also linked to a medical term known as sick building syndrome. This is related to people who spend substantial time in the same building, causing a range of ailments such as headaches, fatigue, chest tightness, throat infections and skin irritation.

As some areas of building ventilation are complex and fall under government regulations, it’s recommended to seek out a professional ventilation company to satisfy your requirements. We are a market leader in natural ventilation services. With over 50 years’ experience in the industry, our knowledge and expertise will not only boost the productivity of your workforce but also protect them from poor air quality.

If you’re ready to improve your office’s air quality or would like more information, contact us today on 01277 633933 or sales@ljpratley.co.uk.

The health of your office also depends on its layout and organisation. If you’re interested in this, you may enjoy our article on making the most of your office space.


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